Our timeline

Our timeline
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Our timeline Part two

Our timeline Part two
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Tuesday, April 8, 2008


Political Developments in the Early Republic

1. What type of government did the Federalist’s favor?
a. A small government
b. Lots of power to the states
c. Strong federal government
d. None of the above

e. In the election of 1800, who became the third president?
a. Alexander Hamilton
b. John Adams
c. George Washington
d. Thomas Jefferson
e. Aaron Burr

2. What Act made it a crime to say anything bad about the government or president?
a. Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions
b. Alien Act
c. Sedition Act
d. Electoral College
e. None of the above

3. Who was leader of the Federalist Party and Treasury Secretary?
a. Thomas Jefferson
b. George Washington
c. Alexander Hamilton
d. John Adams
e. None of the above

4. Who wrote the Declaration of Independence and was leader of the Republican Party?
a. Benjamin Franklin
b. Alexander Hamilton
c. George Washington
d. Thomas Jefferson
e. None of the above

5. The Republicans favored
a. a strong national government run by wealthy, educated aristocrats
b. a small national government run by the common man
c. French Revolution
d. All of the above
e. “b” and “c”

6. The executive branch of government included
a. Department of State
b. Department of War
c. Treasury Department
d. All of the above
e. None of the above

7. Why did they impose the alien and sedition acts?
a. To stop immigrants from voting republican
b. To Help Thomas Jefferson win the election
c. To discourage immigrants from coming
d. To stop Aliens from taking over the world


8. During the French revolution, what type of government did the French abolish
a. Democracy
b. Republic
c. Monarchy
d. None of the above

9. Who supported the French Revolution?
a. Britain
b. Thomas Jefferson and Republicans
c. Alexander Hamilton and Federalists
d. “a” and “c”
e. none of the above

10. Which Act made it harder for an immigrant to become a citizen with the right to vote?
a. Kentucky Resolution
b. Sedition Act
c. Alien Act
d. Virginia Resolution
e. None of the above

11. Why was the election of 1800 a victory for the new nation?
a. John Adams lost
b. Power was transferred from one party to another without violence or civil war.
c. There was a tie and this made people excited about voting.
d. Thomas Jefferson was the best candidate.

12. Thomas Jefferson supported the French Revolution because
a. This was a war between common men against rich nobility
b. He liked the French.
c. He loved anything that Alexander Hamilton hated.
d. “b” and “c”

13. Why did the government impose taxes on whiskey?
a. The government wanted to discourage drinking.
b. Imposing taxes was a way to raise money so that the government could pay its war debts from the American Revolution.
c. The government wanted to discourage farmers from growing crops that went into making whiskey.
d. “a” and “c”

14. Who was the only president in history who personally led troops into battle?
a. George W. Bush
b. George Washington
c. Thomas Jefferson
d. John Adams

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